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Colloque international – On the Ruins and Margins of European Identity in Cinema: European Identity in the Era of Mass Migration – 2 et 3 avril 2019

Raphaële Bertho et Temenuga Trifonova organisent les 2 et 3 avril 2019 à l’Université de Tours un colloque international dans le cadre de la bourse Studium: “On the Ruins and Margins of European Identity in Cinema: European Identity in the Era of Mass Migration”.

The increased mobility of large groups of people from outside and inside Europe has influenced the socio-geographical fixity of a continent of nation-states, putting in question both the concepts of ‘national identity’ and ‘European identity’. The purpose of this conference is to reflect on contemporary debates around the concepts of ‘Europe’ and ‘European identity’ through an examination of European films from 2000 to the present dealing with various aspects of globalization (the refugee crisis, labor migration, the resurgence of nationalism and ethnic violence, international tourism, neoliberalism, transnational commodification, post-colonialism, transnational capital etc.) in order to reflect on the ambiguities and contradictory aspects of the figure of the migrant and the ways in which this figure challenges us to rethink core concepts such as European identity, European citizenship, justice, ethics, liberty, tolerance, and hospitality in the post-national context of ephemerality, volatility, and contingency that finds people looking for firmer markers of identity. 




  • 14:30    Welcome coffee & registration
  • 15:00    Official Opening
  • 15:15    Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi – Colonial Ruins: The Mediterranean Crisis in Postcolonial Cinema
  • 16:00    Prof. Temenuga Trifonova – European Identity in Cinema in the Age of Neoliberal Globalization
  • 16:45    Coffee break​
  • 17:00    Dr Dorota Ostrowska – Homes and Borders: Film Programmes of European Documentary Human Rights Film Festivals Dedicated to the Migrant Crisis (2015-2016)
  • 17:45    Prof. Delphine Robic-Diaz – The Migrant Crisis through Children Narratives in European Animated Short Films
  • 19:00    Dinner
  • 20:30    Public Lecture in French: Prof. Raphaële Bertho & Mathieu Pernot – Incarner les migrants: un questionnement artistique, éthique et politique


  • 08:30    Welcome coffee
  • 09:00    Prof. Daniela Berghahn – Diasporic Families and the Production of Locality in European Cinema
  • 09:45    Dr James Harvey – Who  and What – Needs a Part?: Global Crises in John Akomfrah’s 21st Century Gallery Films
  • 10:30    Coffee break
  • 10:45    Dr Mariana Liz – Thinking Europe from the Margins and through Marginal Cinema: The Case of The Nothing Factory (Pedro Pinho, 2017)
  • 11:30    Prof. Camil Ungureanu – The First Time as Farce, the Second Time as Tragedy: Romanian Cinema, Immigration, and the West
  • 12:15    Lunch
  • 14:00    Prof. Elizabeth Ezra – Out of Bounds: The Spatial Politics of Civility in The Square (Ruben Östlund, 2017) and Happy End (Michael Haneke, 2017)
  • 14:45    Dr Mary Harrod – From Post-National Mobility to Post-Human Fluidity: Migrant Identities and Social Responsibilities in Personal Shopper (Assayas 2016) and Happy End (Haneke 2017)
  • 15:30    Coffee break
  • 16:00    Prof. Thomas Elsaesser – European Cinema: Enlarging the Context at a Time of Diminishing Relevance?
  • 17.30    Conclusions

L’ensemble du colloque se tiendra en anglais, à l’exception de la soirée avec le photographe Mathieu Pernot qui se déroulera en français.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Raphaële Bertho (18 février 2019). Colloque international – On the Ruins and Margins of European Identity in Cinema: European Identity in the Era of Mass Migration – 2 et 3 avril 2019. InTRu - EA 6301. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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